Certificate of Effective Practice in Gifted Education
Stop Press : Scholarships available 2025
closing date: Friday 15 November 2024
Scholarship Information PDF || Scholarship Enrolment Form - Word or PDF
Our course material has been updated to include our most recent development work on the bi-cultural and holistic definition and identification of giftedness. It has also been updated to reflect Aotearoa New Zealand's Curriculum Refresh.
Ensure your place, email us at: aotearoagiftednz@gmail.com
In 2017, when the judges awarded this New Zealand course the coveted USA's National Gifted Association Professional Development Network Award, they described it as "outstanding in calibre and sustainability".
Again and again, teachers taking the course endorse that comment. As one wrote, “It is the best thing you can do for all your students, now and in the future. You will thank yourself over and over again for allowing this knowledge to make you a far better teacher for all students."
Join the teachers from throughout New Zealand and from countries as diverse as Sweden, Jamaica and Dubai who have found the same benefits - and enjoyed the process!
The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) has evaluated the "Certificate of Effective Practice in Gifted Education" (Micro-credential) delivered by REACH Education Consultancy and has assessed it to be equivalent to 15 credits (150 notional learning hours) at Level 6 on the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF).
Click here to see how this course conforms with the World Council's Global Principles for Professional Learning in Gifted
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When does it start?
For New Zealand and Australian teachers, the course itself starts in March and is delivered in fortnightly modules through till the end of September (apart from term holidays), with your final assignment due early in October.
For participants in other countries, individual schedules are arranged to fit your school terms. Enrolments are open throughout the year, but please note we take only 45 enrolments at a time, so early enrolment is encouraged.
What does it cover?
This course has been designed to equip you with a range of thoroughly practical tools and strategies to help you work effectively with gifted learners, even in the busiest regular classroom.
It’s built round three interwoven themes, recognising gifted learners, understanding their different learning needs, and acquiring the teaching strategies which will meet these needs.
These three strands are linked together to form an in-depth exploration of how giftedness impacts on the student’s experience of learning and of daily life, and of how we as educators can respond to make that experience positive and productive.
What makes it so effective?
First of all, its quality comes from its solid foundation of knowledge and experience:
- Its research base: The REACH Certificate course is firmly grounded in a comprehensive and wide-ranging research base right across the field of giftedness which is constantly being reviewed and updated.
- Tutor experience: Our Ministry-accredited tutors aren’t just experienced in delivering professional development. Between them they have literally decades of experience in working directly with gifted learners and their families, giving them a unique depth of insight into the reality and impact of giftedness in a child’s life.
- History: We’ve been running this course since 2006. But that’s not all we do. Over the past decade we’ve run a national conference, brought various leading experts to speak in New Zealand, hosted a symposium by the prestigious Columbus Group, run workshops in different parts of this country and in Australia, presented at various conferences, supported individual parents and teachers, and developed new resources. All this background feeds into whatever work we do with you.
Then there’s the support we provide for you...
- You have continuous individual support throughout from one of our tutors, with detailed feedback on all your coursework and the opportunity at any time to seek help and comment from your tutor.
- In addition to your fortnightly modules, you receive an extensive Archive of resource materials and identification tools as a permanent reference for your work in this field.
- You’re taught strategies which are thoroughly practical and achievable for the busiest teacher.
- Whatever age level you’re teaching, your coursework relates to your teaching situation so it’s always relevant for you.
- And because it’s online, this course is accessible for you wherever you live. You don’t have to travel to a venue – and your school doesn’t have to pay relievers!
To find out more:
Contact us
Please do not hesitate to contact us directly if you have any questions or need more information on any particular point before enrolling.
Making a difference for those who are different:
Malala Yousafzai, a gifted young woman changing her world. Let’s find that next child. Let’s be that teacher.
Or if we cannot change the whole world, let’s change the
world of that next child.